The VP Bank brand
A new brand strategy
The VP Bank brand comprises various elements, including overall visual appearance, name and logo, but also strategic components that serve to define the brand positioning. The goal of a strong brand is to create a clear identity for VP Bank – both the content and visual appearance – for all stakeholders.
In 2017, VP Bank worked on various elements of its brands. As regards brand content, VP Bank sought to further define the bank’s principles and values. The Board of Directors therefore prepared a mission statement based on VP Bank’s continuing vision that expresses how VP Bank defines and positions itself as a company.
VP Bank mission statement
Our bank
VP Bank is a profitable and independent private bank, built on a stable shareholder base. Our strength lies in the combination of regional roots and a targeted international presence. We live up to our company responsibility as first established by our founder Guido Feger.
Our clients
We specialise in serving intermediaries and private clients. We develop and maintain a long-term oriented relationship built on trust. We serve our clients skilfully, personally and directly.
Our culture
We practice a culture of commitment, entrepreneurial action and self-responsibility. Our teamwork is based on mutual respect, trust and appreciation. We confront challenges collectively, consistently and innovatively. We lead by setting clear goals and providing open feedback. We are a top employer for our committed employees.
Success drivers
Through brand strategy workshops and interviews with more than 80 employees, selected intermediaries and private bank clients, VP Bank’s success drivers were identified and concrete performance indicators were defined, which are necessary to inspire our clients. Going forward these success drivers are being integrated into the development of the company strategy.
Our brand story
Based on these success drivers we have developed our brand story. In order to communicate the brand story effectively, a catchy brand video was also created that brings all of the messages to the screen. The video shows the viewer how our main focus is to put the client first.
The brand messages
In addition to the brand story, seven brand messages have been derived. These seven messages constitute the value proposition of the VP Bank brand and are used in the Group’s communications functions, including for example in the advisory process or our advertising subjects. You will find the respective subjects on the first page of each chapter in this annual report.
With clarity toward a new brand design
Along with the brand strategy we also refreshed our unique design and made it compatible for the digital age. With its illustrative style, VP Bank created a signature value in its brand design. However, the design concept needed to be updated in order to achieve these same qualities in the digital space and for tangible items such as brochures, cards and client gifts.
For the development of the new “Clarity” design concept, we ensured that VP Bank’s original look was preserved. We kept the designer illustrations as a means of transmitting the brand message. Meanwhile the entire appearance was modernised, simplified and made digitally friendly. VP Bank’s new brand design stands for clarity, simplicity and a focus on the essentials.
The new brand enables VP Bank to use a more modular approach, communicate with target audiences and generally respond more quickly to current issues in the banking world – all in a fresh manner.
Digital visitor experience
For many potential clients, the website is their first contact with VP Bank and therefore our most important digital calling card.
As part of its digitalisation strategy and the redesign of its brand identity, VP Bank Group totally reconfigured its website from a technical and visual standpoint and launched it in August. The transition to a modern portal technology smooths the way for a secure and flexible client portal that satisfies client needs with scalable modular services.

The focus of the reconfiguration was improving the user experience as well as refreshing the design. Users visiting the website are led to the appropriate areas through streamlined navigation, strategically embedded content and subtle animation. The high-performance and responsive website satisfies users through its clarity and fresh design, which looks good and is optimised for all types of user devices.
ProLink, the information platform for intermediaries, was also integrated into the new website. With the integration of VP Bank e-banking in the first quarter of 2018, we have taken another step toward a client portal. Our e-banking is therefore web-based and enables us to further expand our online services.
The fresh design of the website and e-banking app, which is available in the App Store and Google Play Store, vividly demonstrate the orientation of VP Bank’s new brand identity.
The reconfigured website has received international recognition. At the “iNOVA Awards 2017”, VP Bank’s new online presence won a silver medal. The iNOVA Awards stand for “Excellence in Corporate Websites” and have been held in the United States with an international jury since 2001.