Income statement
in CHF 1,000 |
Art. 24c FL-BankO |
Interest income |
of which from interest-bearing securities |
of which from trading transactions |
Interest expense |
Net interest income |
Current income from securities |
shares and other non-interest-bearing securities |
of which from trading transactions |
participations |
shares in affiliated companies |
Income from commission business and services |
commission income from credit business |
commission income from securities and investment business |
commission income from other services |
Commission expense |
Net income from commission business and services |
Income from financial transactions |
of which from trading transactions |
Other ordinary income |
income from real estate |
other ordinary income |
Total net operating income |
Operating expenses |
personnel expenses |
general and administrative expenses |
Gross income |
Depreciation and amortisation of intangible assets and |
Other ordinary expenses |
Valuation allowances on receivables and increases in provisions |
Income from release of valuation allowances on receivables and |
Write-offs on participations, shares in affiliated companies and |
Gains from appreciations on participations, shares in affiliated companies |
Income from normal business operations |
Extraordinary income |
Extraordinary expenses |
Taxes on income |
Other taxes if not included in above items |
Net income for the year |
in CHF 1,000 | 2017 | 2016 | Variance | Variance |
Art. 24c FL-BankO |
| absolute | in % |
Interest income | 70,143 | 64,348 | 5,795 | 9.0 |
of which from interest-bearing securities | 21,294 | 20,961 | 333 | 1.6 |
of which from trading transactions | 0 | 25 | –25 | –99.3 |
Interest expense | 19,260 | 8,904 | 10,356 | 116.3 |
Net interest income | 50,883 | 55,444 | –4,561 | –8.2 |
Current income from securities | 8,873 | 7,566 | 1,307 | 17.3 |
shares and other non-interest-bearing securities | 3,966 | 3,336 | 630 | 18.9 |
of which from trading transactions | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
participations | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0.0 |
shares in affiliated companies | 4,905 | 4,228 | 677 | 16.0 |
Income from commission business and services | 96,797 | 94,370 | 2,427 | 2.6 |
commission income from credit business | 585 | 450 | 135 | 30.1 |
commission income from securities and investment business | 81,735 | 79,694 | 2,041 | 2.6 |
commission income from other services | 14,477 | 14,226 | 251 | 1.8 |
Commission expense | 17,854 | 16,831 | 1,023 | 6.1 |
Net income from commission business and services | 78,943 | 77,539 | 1,404 | 1.8 |
Income from financial transactions | 72,865 | 61,513 | 11,352 | 18.5 |
of which from trading transactions | 68,959 | 61,760 | 7,199 | 11.7 |
Other ordinary income | 3,973 | 3,489 | 484 | 13.9 |
income from real estate | 158 | 176 | –18 | –9.8 |
other ordinary income | 3,815 | 3,313 | 502 | 15.1 |
Total net operating income | 215,537 | 205,551 | 9,986 | 4.9 |
Operating expenses | 135,869 | 122,677 | 13,192 | 10.8 |
personnel expenses | 97,616 | 89,516 | 8,100 | 9.0 |
general and administrative expenses | 38,253 | 33,161 | 5,092 | 15.4 |
Gross income | 79,668 | 82,874 | –3,206 | –3.9 |
Depreciation and amortisation of intangible assets and | 17,068 | 14,035 | 3,033 | 21.6 |
Other ordinary expenses | 389 | 1,552 | –1,163 | –74.9 |
Valuation allowances on receivables and increases in provisions | 16,676 | 5,652 | 11,024 | 195.0 |
Income from release of valuation allowances on receivables and | 9,440 | 10,404 | –964 | –9.3 |
Write-offs on participations, shares in affiliated companies and | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
Gains from appreciations on participations, shares in affiliated companies | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
Income from normal business operations | 54,975 | 72,039 | –17,064 | –23.7 |
Extraordinary income | 0 | 1 | –1 | –100.0 |
Extraordinary expenses | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
Taxes on income | 5,771 | 4,057 | 1,714 | 42.3 |
Other taxes if not included in above items | 0 | 3 | –3 | –100.0 |
Net income for the year | 49,204 | 67,980 | –18,776 | –27.6 |
Appropriation of profit
in CHF 1,000 | ||||
Art. 24c FL-BankO | ||||
Net income for the year | ||||
Retained earnings brought forward | ||||
Retained earnings | ||||
| ||||
Appropriation of profit | ||||
Appropriation to other reserves | ||||
Distribution on the basis of company capital | ||||
Other appropriation of profit | ||||
Retained earnings to be carried forward | ||||
| ||||
| ||||
| ||||
The Board of Directors proposes that the profit be distributed | ||||
At the disposal of the annual general meeting | ||||
Distribution of a dividend of | ||||
Other appropriation of profit | ||||
Retained earnings to be carried forward |
in CHF 1,000 | 2017 | 2016 | Variance | Variance |
Art. 24c FL-BankO |
| absolute | in % |
Net income for the year | 49,204 | 67,980 | –18,776 | –27.6 |
Retained earnings brought forward | 87,078 | 50,868 | 36,210 | 71.2 |
Retained earnings | 136,282 | 118,847 | 17,435 | 14.7 |
Appropriation of profit |
Appropriation to other reserves | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
Distribution on the basis of company capital | 36,385 | 29,769 | 6,616 | 22.2 |
Other appropriation of profit | 0 | 2,000 | –2,000 | –100.0 |
Retained earnings to be carried forward | 99,897 | 87,078 | 12,819 | 14.7 |
The Board of Directors proposes that the profit be distributed | ||||
At the disposal of the annual general meeting | 136,281,687.12 |
Distribution of a dividend of | 36,384,791.85 |
Other appropriation of profit | 0.00 |
Retained earnings to be carried forward | 99,896,895.27 |