Notes regarding balance sheet and income statement
Analysis of collateral
Value-impaired loans
Trading portfolios of securities and precious metals
Disclosures on treasury shares included in current assets (excluding trading portfolios)
Participations and shares in affiliated companies
Overview of investments
Assets pledged or assigned to secure own or third-party liabilities and assets subject to reservation of title
Liabilities to own retirement pension plans
Outstanding debenture issues
Valuation allowances / provisions for general banking risks
Company capital
Significant shareholders and groups of shareholders with interlinking voting rights
Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity
Maturity structure of assets as well as liabilities and provisions
Receivables from and payables to participations, affiliated companies and qualifying participants, as well as loans to governing bodies and material transactions with related persons
Remuneration paid to members of governing bodies
Shareholdings and loans to governing bodies and related parties
Total assets by country or group of countries (domicile principle)
Total assets by country or group of countries (domicile principle)
Balance sheet by currency
Contingent liabilities
Unsettled derivative financial instruments
Fiduciary transactions
Information regarding the income statement
Other assets and liabilities
Income and expense analysed by permanent establishment