Annual Report of VP Bank Ltd, Vaduz

The annual report of VP Bank Ltd is largely evident from the consolidated annual report of VP Bank Group.

As of the balance sheet date, VP Bank Ltd, Vaduz, and its subsidiaries held in total 454,784 registered A shares and 350,769 registered B shares (previous year: 488,934 registered A shares and 348,869 registered B shares). This equates to a capital share of approximately 7.4 per cent (previous year: 7.9 per cent). In addition, reference is made to the notes to the relevant annual report regarding the number of and changes in treasury shares in the head office.

The Board of Directors proposes that the annual general meeting of 28 April 2023 approve a dividend payout of CHF 5.00 per registered A share and CHF 0.50 per registered B share (previous year: CHF 5.00 per registered A share and CHF 0.50 per registered B share).