Annual report of VP Bank Ltd, Vaduz

The annual report of VP Bank Ltd is largely evident from the consolidated annual report of VP Bank Group. 

As of the balance-sheet date, VP Bank Ltd, Vaduz, and its subsidiaries held in total 599,442 registered shares A as well as 324,929 registered shares B (prior year: 547,320 registered shares A and 131,662 registered shares B). This equates to a capital share of approximately 9.6 per cent (prior year: 8.5 per cent). In addition, reference is made to the notes to the relevant annual financial statements regarding the ­number of and changes in treasury shares in the parent company.

In keeping with the spirit of the Group’s long-term dividend policy, the Board of Directors will propose a dividend of CHF 5.50 per registered share A and CHF 0.55 per registered share B (prior year: CHF 5.50 per registered share A and CHF 0.55 per registered share B) at the Annual General Meeting of share­holders to be held on 26 April 2019.