Principles underlying financial statement reporting
1. Fundamental principles underlying financial statement reporting
Verwaltungs- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft, which has its registered office in Vaduz, was established in 1956 and is one of the three largest banks in Liechtenstein. Today, it has subsidiaries in Zurich, Luxembourg, the British Virgin Islands, Singapore, Hong Kong, as well as representative offices in Moscow and Hong Kong. As of 31 December 2012, VP Bank Group employed 706.9 persons, expressed as full-time equivalents (previous year: 737.8).
Asset management and portfolio advisory services for private and institutional investors, as well as lending, constitute its core activities.
Values disclosed in the financial statements are expressed in thousands of Swiss francs. The 2012 financial statements were drawn up in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). IFRS contain guidelines which require assumptions and estimates to be made by VP Bank Group in drawing up the consolidated financial statements. The most important fundamental principles underlying financial statement reporting are described in this section in order to show how their application impacts the reported results and informational disclosures.
Post-balance-sheet-date events
There were no post-balance-sheet-date events that materially affected the balance sheet and income statement for 2012. The Board of Directors reviewed and approved the consolidated financial statements in its meeting of 21 February 2013. These consolidated financial statements will be submitted for approval to the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held on 26 April 2013.
2. Changes to the principles of financial statement reporting and comparability
New and revised International Financial Reporting Standards
Since 1 January 2011, the following new or revised standards and interpretations have taken effect:
- IFRS 1 – First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards – Amendments in Relation to Severe Hyperinflation
- IAS 12 – Deferred Taxes; Realisation of Underlying Assets
The adoption of these standards had no impact on financial statement reporting or was immaterial.
Changes in financial statement reporting standards as a result of early adoption of IAS 19 (revised 2011) “Employee Benefits”
During 2012, VP Bank Group elected to adopt IAS 19 (revised 2011) “Employee Benefits” and record the changes resulting therefrom prior the date on which the standard takes effect.
On the basis of this decision and in compliance with the transitional provisions of Par. 173 IAS 19 (revised 2011), the comparative figures of the prior year were restated.
The changes required by IAS 19 modify the manner of recording pension obligations arising from defined-benefit pension plans on the occasion of the termination of employment. The most significant amendments result from the recording of changes in plan assets as well as the present value of pension obligations. The revised standard requires these changes be recorded immediately as of the date on which they arise. The “corridor approach” applied by the Group under the previous IAS 19 is discontinued. All actuarial gains and losses must be recognised immediately in the statement of comprehensive income (OCI). As a result of this amendment, the pension liability recognised in the balance sheet corresponds to the deficit/excess of funding of plan assets, adjusted, where applicable, by the effects of IFRIC 14 ("IAS 19 – The limit on a defined-benefit asset, minimum funding requirements and their interaction").
Furthermore, past service costs in future are to be recognised immediately in the income statement. For pension plans where employee contributions are paid on the basis of formal pension rules, a reduction of pension liabilities may ensue as a result of taking into account the risk-sharing between employees and the employer.
The interest expense on the present value of defined-benefit obligations used in the current version of IAS 19 and the anticipated income on plan assets is replaced by net interest expense under IAS 19 (revised 2011). This latter is compu- ted on the basis of the discount rate and the pension liability or plan assets at the beginning of the period. In addition, changes occur in the presentation of pension costs and in note-disclosure information.
Impact of early adoption of IAS 19 (revised 2011)
The early adoption of the revised standard IAS 19 “Employee Benefits” had a material impact on the current financial statements, which is described in note 41 as well as below. In compliance with IAS 8, the shareholders’ equity of the Group as of 1 January 2011 was restated by an amount of CHF –31.6 million, and the financial year 2011 was restated in accordance with the requirement of IAS 19 (revised 2011). As a result of this amendment, Group net income for 2011 was restated by CHF –1.1 million from CHF 6.4 million to CHF 5.3 million. The shareholder’s equity of the Group decreased by CHF 577 million as at 31 December 2011.
Based upon provisional calculations, the 2012 personnel expense on defined-benefit pension plans under the superseded version of IAS 19 would have been some CHF 9 million higher than under IAS 19 (revised); after the effect of deferred taxation, this would have resulted in a reduction of Group net income of some CHF 8 million. The increase in personnel expense relates, inter alia, to the differing actuarial calculations as well as from the fact that (delayed) recognition of actuarial gains and losses impacting the income statement under IAS 19 (revised) is eliminated (increase in personnel expense of some CHF 4 million). As a result of the immediate recognition of actuarial gains and losses arising during the financial year, the 2012 consolidated statement of comprehensive income would have been some CHF 39 million lower under the superseded version of IAS 19.
Restatement of prior-year comparative figures
Effect on 2011 financial statements of early adoption of IAS 19R:
in CHF 1,000 | 31/12/2010 as reported | Restatement IAS 19R | 31/12/2010 as restated |
Impact on balance sheet and shareholders’ equity |
Deferred tax assets | 6,338 | 6,058 | 12,396 |
Other assets (accrued receivables – pension costs) | 13,805 | –1,342 | 12,463 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 8,512 | –268 | 8,244 |
Other liabilities (accrued pension costs) | 33,056 | 36,540 | 69,596 |
Shareholders’ equity | 906,845 | –31,556 | 875,289 |
in CHF 1,000 | 31/12/2011 as reported | Restatement IAS 19R | 31/12/2011 as restated |
Impact on balance sheet and shareholders’ equity |
Deferred tax assets | 7,698 | 10,236 | 17,934 |
Other assets (accrued receivables – pension costs) | 14,084 | –1,127 | 12,957 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 9,217 | –225 | 8,992 |
Other liabilities (accrued pension costs) | 48,069 | 67,043 | 115,112 |
Shareholders’ equity | 898,589 | –57,709 | 840,880 |
Impact on income statement and Group net income |
Personnel expense | 124,862 | 1,085 | 125,947 |
Taxes on income | 930 | 43 | 973 |
Group net income | 6,390 | –1,128 | 5,262 |
Group net income per bearer share (in CHF) | 0.75 | –0.19 | 0.56 |
Impact on comprehensive income |
Group net income | 6,390 | –1,128 | 5,262 |
Financial instruments | 5,429 | 0 | 5,429 |
Foreign-currency translation differences | –288 | 0 | –288 |
Actuarial gains and losses | 0 | –29,203 | –29,203 |
Income taxes on actuarial gains and losses | 0 | 4,178 | 4,178 |
Comprehensive income in shareholders’ equity | 5,141 | –25,025 | –19,884 |
Comprehensive income in income statement and shareholders’ equity | 11,531 | –26,153 | –14,622 |
Attributable to non-controlling interests | 2,027 | 0 | 2,027 |
Attributable to shareholders of Verwaltungs- und Privat-Bank AG, Vaduz | 9,504 | –26,153 | –16,649 |
Impact on statement of cash flow |
Group net income | 6,390 | –1,128 | 5,262 |
Cash flow from operating activities | –116,658 | 0 | –116,658 |
Cash flow from investing activities | –235,582 | 0 | –235,582 |
Cash flow from financing activities | –78,017 | 0 | –78,017 |
Foreign-currency impact | 13,583 | 0 | 13,583 |
Changes in cash and cash equivalents | –416,674 | 0 | –416,674 |
Changes in consolidated shareholders’ equity
in CHF 1,000 | Share | Treasury | Capital | Income | Movements | Actuarial | Foreign-currency trans- | Equity attribut- | Non- | Total share- |
Balance as reported as of 31/12/2010 (restatement | 59,148 | –38,465 | –5,323 | 896,219 | –8,195 | 0 | –14,382 | 889,002 | 17,843 | 906,845 |
Adjustments early adoption of IAS 19 revised |
| –37,882 |
| –37,882 |
| –37,882 |
Tax effect |
| 6,326 |
| 6,326 |
| 6,326 |
Shareholders’ equity as of 31/12/2010 (as restated) | 59,148 | –38,465 | –5,323 | 896,219 | –8,195 | –31,556 | –14,382 | 857,446 | 17,843 | 875,289 |
Balance as reported | 59,148 | –38,465 | –5,323 | 896,219 | –8,195 | 0 | –14,382 | 889,002 | 17,843 | 906,845 |
Movement in shareholders’ equity prior to effect of IAS 19 revised |
| –167 | 1,441 | –15,845 | 5,429 |
| –257 | –9,399 | 1,143 | –8,256 |
Shareholders’ equity as of 31/12/2011 | 59,148 | –38,632 | –3,882 | 880,374 | –2,766 | 0 | –14,639 | 879,603 | 18,986 | 898,589 |
Adjustments early adoption of IAS 19 revised |
| –1,128 |
| –67,085 |
| –68,213 |
| –68,213 |
Tax effect |
| 10,504 |
| 10,504 |
| 10,504 |
Shareholders’ equity as of 31/12/2011 (as restated) | 59,148 | –38,632 | –3,882 | 879,246 | –2,766 | –56,581 | –14,639 | 821,894 | 18,986 | 840,880 |
The restatements resulting from IAS 19 (revised) were allocated to the segment CFO & Corporate Center (see segment reporting).
International financial reporting standards to be adopted in 2013 or subsequently
Numerous new standards, revisions and interpretations of existing standards were published which are mandatory for accounting periods beginning on 1 January 2013 or subsequently. Based on the analysis of VP Bank, the following new or revised IFRS Standards are currently being investigated. The Group has not made use of the option of applying
them prior to the effective dates.
Annual Improvements to IFRS (2009–2011 Cycle)
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) lists a number of amendments to various standards.
The amendments have taken effect on 1 January 2013. They will have no material impact on the Group’s consolidated financial statements.
IFRS 7 – Set-off of Financial Instruments
The new provisions are designed to enable the reader of financial statements to assess the impact on the financial situation of the company (or possible impact) of set-off agreements, including rights to set off financial assets and financial liabilities.
The revised standard has taken effect on 1 January 2013. They will not have any impact on consolidated shareholders’ equity and Group net profit.
IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements
The new standard creates a uniform definition for the concept of control and thus a uniform basis for consolidation. Control exists when the following three elements are present on a cumulative basis:
- The company has power over the investee.
- The company is exposed to variable returns from its involvement with the investee.
- The company can influence the amount of these variable returns thanks to its power.
The assessment is based upon all available facts and circumstances and is to be reviewed each time there is change thereto. There is control when the investor has existing rights which give him the present ability to direct those activities which materially influence the income from the investee. Control is mostly based on ownership of voting rights, but can also result from contractual rights or a combination of both. The rights to direct the relevant activities are based upon the ability to do this; that is, they must not necessarily be exercised. In assessing whether the investor has control over the investee, potential voting rights, economic dependence and the size of the investment in relation to the other investors and their voting behaviour at annual general meetings are to be taken into consideration.
The new standard introduces guidelines in assessing whether an investor with decision making powers acts as principal or agent.
The new standard has taken effect on 1 January 2013. The Group does not expect the new provisions to have any impact on the scope of consolidation.
IFRS 11 – Joint Arrangements
The new standard focuses on the rights and obligations arising under joint arrangements instead of the legal form thereof. It differentiates between joint business activities in which each partner records his share in the balance sheet and income statement and joint entities which are reflected in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the equity method of accounting.
The new standard has taken effect on 1 January 2013. The Group does not expect the new provisions to have any impact on the scope of consolidation.
IFRS 12 – Disclosures of Interests in Other Entities
The new standard contains the disclosure provisions relating to investments in subsidiary companies, associates, joint arrangements and non-consolidated structured entities. The disclosures should assist the reader of financial statements to be able to estimate the nature and risk inherent in interests in other entities, as well as the effect of these interests on consolidated results, shareholders’ equity and cash flows.
The new standard has taken effect on 1 January 2013. The Group does not expect the new provisions to have any impact on the scope of consolidation.
IFRS 13 – Fair Value Measurement
The new standard defines fair value, unifies the guidance concerning the determination of fair value in a standard and requires disclosures regarding the determination of fair value. It is applicable to all standards requiring or allowing fair-value measurements or related disclosures. Fair value equates to the price that would be realised in an orderly transaction between market participants at the date of measurement upon sale of the asset or would be paid in transferring the liability. This definition stresses that the fair value is a market-related measurement and not one specific to the company. Thus the intention of the company to hold the asset or to settle the liability or otherwise realise it is not relevant for determining fair value.
If no price for a comparable asset or comparable liability is available, then the company shall use a valuation technique for determining fair value which maximises the use of relevant observable inputs and minimises the use of non-observable inputs.
The new standard has taken effect on 1 January 2013. The Group does not expect the new provisions to have any impact on the amount of assets and liabilities recorded at fair value.
IAS 1 – Changes in Relation to Presentation of Other Comprehensive Income
The revised standard requires that the component parts of other comprehensive income be split into two categories: into gains or losses which will be recorded subsequently in the statement of income (recycling) and those which will never be reflected in the statement of income.
The revised standard has taken effect on 1 January 2013.
IAS 27 – Separate Financial Statements
IAS 27 was revised as a result of the new IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements”. IAS 27 continues to govern financial statement reporting for separate financial statements. Minor clarifications were added.
IAS 28 – Investments in Associates und Joint Ventures
IAS 28 was revised as a result of the new IFRS 11 “Joint Arrangements”. Minor clarifications were added.
IAS 32 – Set-off of Financial Instruments
In accordance with the amendments, the right of set-off must not only be legally enforceable during the ordinary course of business, but also for all parties involved in case of default, insolvency or bankruptcy. The second amendment clarifies that certain settlement systems shall satisfy the conditions for simultaneous settlement.
The revised standard will take effect on 1 January 2014. They will not have any impact on consolidated shareholders' equity and Group net profit.
3. Scope of consolidation
Fully consolidated companies
The consolidated financial statements encompass the financial statements of Verwaltungs- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Vaduz, as well as those of its subsidiary companies, which are all presented as a single economic unit. Subsidiary companies which are directly or indirectly controlled by VP Bank Group are consolidated. Subsidiary companies are consolidated as of the date on which control is transferred and deconsolidated as of the date control ends.
Changes in scope of consolidation
During 2012, there were no changes in the scope of consolidation.
Method of capital consolidation
Capital consolidation is undertaken in accordance with the Anglo-Saxon purchase method, whereby the shareholders’ equity of the consolidated company is set off against the carrying value of the shareholding in the parent company’s carrying value as of the date of acquisition or the date of establishment. Subsequent to initial consoli- dation, changes arising from business activities which are reflected in the current results of the accounting period in the consolidated financial statements are allocated to income reserves.
The effects of intra-group transactions are eliminated in preparing the consolidated annual financial statements. The share of non-controlling interests in shareholders‘ equity and Group net income is shown separately in the consolidated balance sheet and income statement.
Shareholdings in associated companies
Shareholdings of between 20 and 50 per cent in companies on which VP Bank Group can exercise a material influence are recorded using the equity method.
According to the equity method of accounting, the shares of an enterprise upon acquisition are accounted for at acquisition cost. Subsequent to acquisition, the carrying value of the associated company is increased or reduced by the Group’s share of the profits or losses and of the non-income-statement-related movements in the shareholders‘ equity of the associated company.
In applying the equity method, the Group ascertains whether it is necessary to record an additional impairment loss for its investments in associated companies. As of each balance-sheet date, the Group ascertains whether objective indications exist that the investment in an associated company may be value-impaired. Should this be the case, the difference between the realisable value of the share in the associated company and its carrying value is recorded as a charge to income.
4. Assumptions and uncertainties in estimates
IFRS contain guidelines which require certain assumptions and estimates to be made by VP Bank Group in drawing up the consolidated financial statements. The assumptions and estimates are continually reviewed and are based upon historical experience and other factors, including anticipated developments arising from probable future events. Actual future occurrences may differ from these estimates.
Non-performing loans
A review of collectability is undertaken at least once a year for all loans of doubtful collectability. Should changes have occurred as to the amount and timing of anticipated future payment flows in comparison to previous estimates, the valuation adjustment for credit risks is adjusted accordingly. The amount of the value impairment is measured essentially by reference to the difference between the carrying value and the probable amount which will be collected, after taking into account the proceeds of realisation from the sale of any collateral. A change in the net present value of the estimated future monetary flows of +/–5 per cent increases or decrea-ses, respectively, the amount of the valuation adjustment by CHF 1.2 million (2011: CHF 1.6 million).
Valuation adjustment on financial instruments available for sale
Financial investments are classified as being impaired whenever objective indications exist that the decline in market prices has assumed a certain scale or other indicators suggest a permanent value impairment. For quoted financial instruments, the realisable value is determined by considering the market price. For non-quoted equity securities, the realisable value is determined on the basis of quotations of dealers or external pricing models which are based on observed market data. Furthermore, an objective indication of a loss in value may include significant or prolonged changes with unfavourable consequences occurring in the technological, market-related, economic or legal environment. Valuations undertaken in this manner may be adjusted by management on the basis of its own estimations.
5. General principles
Trade date versus settlement date
The trade-date method of recording purchases or sales of financial assets and liabilities is applied. This means that transactions are recorded in the balance sheet as of the date when the trade is entered into and not on the date when trade is subsequently settled.
Revenue recognition
Revenues from services are recorded when the related service is rendered. Portfolio management fees, securities account fees and similar revenues are recorded on a pro-rata basis over the period during which the service is rendered. Interest is recorded in the period during which it accrues. Dividends are recorded as and when they are received.
Foreign-currency translation
Functional currency and reporting currency: The consolidated financial statements are expressed in Swiss francs, which is both the currency of the Group and the reporting currency. The foreign-exchange translation into the functional currency is undertaken at the rate of exchange prevailing as of the date of the transaction. Translation differences arising from such transactions and gains and losses arising from conversion at balance-sheet date rates for monetary financial assets and financial liabilities in foreign currencies are charged to the income statement. Unrealised foreign-currency translation differences on non-monetary financial assets are part of the movement in fair value. For non-monetary financial assets at fair value, foreign-currency translation differences are charged to the income statement. In the case of non-monetary financial assets which are classified as being available for sale, the unrealised foreign-exchange differences are recorded under shareholders’ equity until realised.
Group companies
All balance-sheet items (excluding shareholders’ equity) are converted into the Group reporting currency at the rate of exchange prevailing as of the balance-sheet date. The individual items in the income statement are converted at average rates for the period.
Foreign-currency translation differences arising from the conversion of financial statements expressed in foreign currencies are set off against shareholders’ equity (income reserves) without impacting operating results.
Foreign-currency translation differences arising in connection with net investments in foreign companies are reflected under shareholders’ equity. Upon disposal, such foreign-currency translation differences are recorded in the income statement as a part of the gain or loss on disposal.
Goodwill and fair value adjustments from acquisitions of foreign companies are treated as receivables and payables of these foreign companies and are converted at closing rates prevailing on the balance-sheet date.
Domestic versus foreign
The term “domestic” also includes Switzerland besides Liechtenstein.
VP Bank Group is organised into the business segments CEO & Head of Markets, Banking Liechtenstein & Regional Market – as well as COO and CFO & Corporate Center. External segment reporting reflects the organisational structure of VP Bank Group and the internal reporting to the management. It forms the basis used by the Group’s decision-makers. Direct revenues and expenses are allocated to the business units. Charges between the business units and geographic segments are recorded at such market prices as would be charged to external clients for similar services. Revenues and costs of extra-divisional services which cannot be directly allocated to the business units are recorded in the Corporate Center. Furthermore, entries relating to the consolidation are recorded in the Corporate Center. Geographic segment reporting is undertaken in accordance with the principles of branch accounting and reflects the segments Liechtenstein and Switzerland, Rest of Europe and Other Countries.
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents encompass the items cash on hand, receivables arising from money-market paper and sight balances with banks.
6. Financial instruments
VP Bank Group subdivides financial instruments, to which traditional financial assets and liabilities as well as equity capital instruments also belong, as follows:
- Financial instruments to be recorded via the income statement (“fair value through profit or loss”) – “trading portfolios” and “financial instruments at fair value”
- Financial instruments at amortised cost
- Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)
- Loans granted which are neither held for trading purposes nor represent financial instruments available for sale (“loans and receivables”)
The categorisation of financial instruments is made at the time of initial recognition using the criteria set out in IFRS 9.
Trading portfolios
Trading portfolios comprise shares, debentures, precious metals and structured products. Financial assets held for trading purposes are valued at fair value. Short positions in securities are disclosed as liabilities arising from trading portfolios. Realised and unrealised gains and losses are recorded under income from trading activities after deduction of related transaction costs. Interest and dividends from trading activities are recorded under interest income. Fair values are based on quoted market prices if an active market exists. Should no active market exist, the fair value is determined by reference to traders’ quotes or external pricing models.
Financial instruments at amortised cost
Investments where the objective consists of holding the financial asset in order to realise the contractual payment flows therefrom and which are made up solely of interest as well as the redemption of parts of the nominal value are recognised at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
A financial investment recognised at amortised cost is classified as being value-impaired whenever it is probable that the total contractually agreed amount due will not be collected in full. Causes giving rise to an impairment loss can be counterparty-specific or country-specific. Whenever impairment occurs, the carrying value of the financial investment is reduced to its realisable value by charges to income and is reported under the item “income from financial investments”.
Interest is recognised in the period when it accrues using the effective interest method and is reported in interest income under “interest income from financial instruments at amortised cost”.
Financial instruments at fair value (FVTPL)
Financial instruments not meeting the aforementioned criteria are recorded at fair value. The ensuing gains/losses are reported in “income on financial instruments at fair value” under “income from financial investments”.
Insofar as the criteria of IFRS 9 are not met, a financial instrument may be designated and recorded under this category upon initial recognition.
Interest and dividend income are recorded in ”income from financial investments” under the items “interest income from FVTPL financial instruments” and “dividend income from FVTPL financial instruments”.
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)
Investments in equity capital instruments are recognised in the balance sheet at fair value. Changes in value are taken to income, except in those cases for which VP Bank Group has decided that they are to be recognised at fair value through other comprehensive income.
Dividends are reported in income from financial investments under the item “dividend income from FVTOCI financial instruments”.
Loans granted
At the time of their initial recording, loans are valued at their effective cost, which equates to fair value at the time the loans are granted. Subsequent valuations are made at amortised cost, with the effective interest yield method being applied.
Value-impaired loans
Value-impaired loans are amounts outstanding from clients and banks where it is improbable that the debtor can meet its obligations. The reasons for an impairment in value are of a nature which is specific to the counterparty or country. Interest on value-impaired loans is recorded throughout the period during which the interest accrues. A valuation allowance for credit risks is recorded as a reduction in the carrying value of a receivable in the balance sheet. The amount of the reduction in value is measured essentially by reference to the difference between the carrying value and the amount which will probably be recovered after taking into account the realisable proceeds from the disposal of any applicable collateral. For off-balance-sheet positions, on the other hand, such as a fixed facility granted, a provision for credit risks is recorded under provisions. Global valuation allowances exist to cover latent, as yet unidentified credit risks on a portfolio basis. A collectability test is performed at least once a year for all non-performing receivables. Should changes have occurred as to the amount and timing of anticipated future flows in comparison to previous estimates, the valuation allowance for credit risks is adjusted and recorded in the income statement under valuation allowances for credit risks or release of valuation allowances and provisions that are no longer required.
Overdue loans
A loan is considered to be overdue or non-performing if a material contractually agreed payment remains outstanding for a period of 90 days or more. Such loans are not to be classified as value-impaired if it can be assumed that they are still covered by existing collateral.
Guidelines on collateral limits and valuation
VP Bank Group demands an appropriate margin on the collateralising of assets. This margin must be set in such a manner that changes in market values, market volatility, debtor creditworthiness and counterparty risk are appropriately taken into account and, as a result, the receivables are backed by adequate collateral at all times.
Categories/types of collateral
VP Bank Group assigns all customary types of loans into the three categories of collateral “marketable”, “non-marketable” or “unsecured”.
- Marketable: mortgage collateral up to a maximum of two-thirds of the official market value / bank appraisal or appraisal of a recognised expert; quoted securities; account monies (current account, deposit account, fiduciary, call money); precious metals; medium-term bonds; repurchase values of life-assurance policies; bank guarantees (from banks with open credit limit).
- Non-marketable: mortgage collateral up to a maximum of 80 per cent of the official market value/bank appraisal or appraisal of a recognised expert.
- Unsecured: all credits without collateral; sureties; unquoted securities; cession of debtor receivables; purchase-price residual receivables; receivables arising from letters of credit; discount bills.
Types of collateral which are not mentioned are deemed to be “unsecured”. Group management ensures that the monitoring of credits is appropriate to the risks assumed in the credit business. The collectability of the collateral is subject to regular review. Changes in the creditworthiness of the borrower is subjected to ongoing review.
Derivative financial instruments
Derivative financial instruments are valued at their fair value and disclosed in the balance sheet. The fair value is determined on the basis of stock-exchange quotations or option pricing models. Realised and unrealised gains and losses are charged to income.
Financial guarantee contracts
After initial recognition, a financial guarantee contract is valued at the higher of the following amounts: the provision that would have to be established if there is a probable outflow of resources, and a reliable estimate of that obligation can be made; or, the amount initially recognised less (when appropriate) the cumulative amortisation recognised on the income statement.
Hedge accounting
VP Bank Group does not apply hedge accounting.
Debt securities issued
Medium-term notes are recorded at their issue price and valued subsequently at their original historical cost value. At the time of their initial recording, debentures are recorded at their fair value minus transaction costs. The fair value equates to the consideration received. Subsequently, they are valued at amortised cost for balance-sheet reporting purposes. In this connection, the effective interest method is employed in order to amortise the difference between the issue price and redemption amount over the duration of the debt instrument.
Treasury shares
Shares in Verwaltungs- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Vaduz, held by VP Bank Group are disclosed as treasury shares under shareholders’ equity and deducted at acquisition cost. The difference between sales proceeds of treasury shares and the related acquisition cost is shown under capital reserves.
Repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions
Repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions serve to refinance or finance, respectively, or to acquire securities of a certain class. These are recorded as an advance against collateral in the form of securities or as a cash deposit with collateral in the form of own securities. Securities received and delivered are only recorded in the balance sheet or closed out when the control over the contractual rights (risks and opportunities of ownership) which these securities comprise are passed on. The fair values of the securities received or delivered are monitored on an ongoing basis in order to provide or demand additional collateral in accordance with the contractual agreements.
Securities lending and borrowing transactions
Financial instruments which are lent out or borrowed and valued at fair value and in respect of which VP Bank Group appears as principal are recorded in the balance sheet under amounts due to/from customers and banks. Securities lending and borrowing transactions in which VP Bank Group appears as agent are recorded under off-balance-sheet items. Fees received or paid are recorded under commission income.
7. Other principles
Provisions are only recorded in the balance sheet if VP Bank Group has a liability to a third party which is to be attributed to an occurrence in the past, the outflow of resources with economic benefit to fulfil this liability is probable, and if this liability can be reliably estimated. If an outflow of funds is unlikely to occur or the amount of the liability cannot be reliably estimated, a contingent liability is shown.
Valuation allowances for long-term assets (impairment)
The value of property and equipment and other assets (including goodwill and other intangible assets) is reviewed at least once a year, as well as whenever it appears that the carrying value is over-valued as a result of occurrences or changed circumstances. If the carrying value exceeds the realisable value, an extraordinary write-down is made.
Property and equipment
Property and equipment comprises bank premises, other real estate, furniture and equipment, as well as IT systems. Property and equipment is valued at acquisition cost less operationally necessary depreciation and amortisation.
Property and equipment is capitalised provided its purchase or manufactured cost can be determined reliably, it exceeds a certain limit for capitalisation and the expenditure benefits future accounting periods.
The Bank’s premises are real estate which is held and used by VP Bank Group to render services or for administrative purposes, while other real estate serves to generate rental income and/or achieve capital gains. Whenever a property serves partially as own premises for the Bank and partially as other real estate, the criterion as to whether both portions can be sold individually shall apply in determining to which classification it belongs. If a partial sale is possible, each part shall be recorded accordingly. Should each part be incapable of being sold individually, the entire property shall be classified as the Bank’s premises, unless the portion used as bank premises is insignificant.
Depreciation and amortisation is charged on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives:
Depreciation and amortisation | estimated useful lives |
Real estate | 25 years |
Land | not depreciated |
Furniture and equipment | 5 to 8 years |
IT systems | 3 to 7 years |
The depreciation and amortisation methods and useful lives are subject to review at each year-end. Minor purchases are charged directly to general and administrative expenses. Maintenance and renovation expenses are generally recorded under general and administrative expenses. If the expense
is substantial and results in a significant increase in value, the amounts are capitalised. These are depreciated or amortised over their useful lives. Gains on disposal of property and equipment are disclosed as other income. Losses on sale lead to additional depreciation and amortisation on property and equipment.
Operating leasing expenditures (rights and duties arising from ownership relating to the object of the leasing contract remain with the lessor) are charged to the general and administrative expenses item. At present, there are no receivables or payables in connection with financing leases.
In the case of a takeover, should the acquisition costs be greater than the net assets acquired and valued in accordance with uniform Group guidelines (including identifiable and capitalisable intangible assets), the remaining amount constitutes the acquired goodwill. Goodwill is capitalised and subject to an annual review for any required valuation allowances. The recording of goodwill is made in the original currency and is converted on the balance-sheet date at rates prevailing at year-end.
Intangible assets
Purchased software is capitalised and amortised over three to seven years. Minor purchases are charged directly to general and administrative expenses. Internally generated intangible assets such as software are capitalised insofar as the prerequisites for capitalisation set forth in IAS 38 are met, i.e. it is probable that the Group will derive a future economic benefit from the asset and the costs of the asset can be both identified and measured in a reliable manner. Internally produced software meeting these criteria and purchased software are recorded in the balance sheet under software. The capitalised values are amortised on a straight-line basis over their useful lives. The period of amortisation is three to seven years.
Intangible assets with undefined estimated useful lives are reviewed at least once a year for any required valuation allowances. At present, VP Bank Group has not recorded any intangible assets with unlimited useful lives.
Other intangible assets include separately identifiable intangible assets arising from acquisitions, as well as certain purchased client-related assets, etc., and are amortised on a straight-line basis over an estimated useful life of 5 to 10 years. Other intangible assets are recorded in the balance sheet at purchase cost at the time of acquisition. On each balance-sheet date, or whenever there is reason to do so, a review is made as to whether there are indications of a possible impairment in value or of a change in the estimated useful life.
Should such indications exist, it is ascertained whether the carrying value is completely recoverable. Should the carrying value exceed the realisable value, a write-off is made.
Taxes and deferred taxes
Current income taxes are computed on the basis of the applicable laws on taxation in the individual countries and are booked as expenses in the accounting period in which the related profits are recorded. They are shown as tax liabilities in the balance sheet.
The taxation effects of timing differences between the values attributed to the assets and liabilities as reported in the consolidated balance sheet and their values reported for tax reporting purposes are recorded as deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities.
Deferred tax assets arising from timing differences or from the utilisation of tax loss carry-forwards are only recognised when it is probable that sufficient taxable profits are available, against which these timing differences or tax loss carry- forwards can be offset.
Deferred tax assets and tax liabilities are computed using the rates of taxation which are expected to apply in the accounting period in which these tax assets will be realised or tax liabilities will be settled. Tax assets and tax liabilities are only offset against each other if they relate to the same taxable person, concern the same taxing jurisdiction and an enforceable right of offset exists.
Deferred taxes are credited or charged to shareholders’ equity if the tax relates to items which are directly credited or debited to shareholders’ equity in the same or another period. The taxation savings expected from the utilisation of estimated future realisable loss carry-forwards are capitalised.
The probability of realising expected taxation benefits is taken into account when valuing a capitalised asset for future taxation relief. Taxation assets arising from future taxation relief encompass deferred taxes on timing differences between the carrying values of assets and liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet and those used for taxation purposes as well as estimated future realisable loss carry-forwards. Deferred taxation receivables in one sovereign taxation jurisdiction are offset against deferred taxation liabilities of the same jurisdiction if the enterprise has a right of offset between actual taxation liabilities and tax claims and the taxes are levied by the same taxing authorities; amounts are offset insofar as the maturities correspond.
Retirement pension plans
VP Bank Group maintains a number of retirement pension plans for employees in Liechtenstein/Switzerland and abroad, among which there are both defined-benefit and defined-contribution plans.
Recorded receivables from and liabilities to these pension funds are computed on the basis of statistical and actuarial calculations of experts.
As regards defined-benefit pension plans, pension costs are determined on the basis of various economic and demographic assumptions using the projected unit credit method. The number of insurance years actually earned through the date of valuation are taken into account. Amongst the computational assumptions taken into account by the Group are, inter alia, the expected future rate of salary increases, long-term interest earned on retirement assets, retirement patterns and life expectancy. The valuations are under- taken annually by independent actuaries. Plan assets are re-measured annually at fair values.
Pension costs comprise three components:
- service costs which are recognised in the income statement;
- net interest expense, which is also recognised in the income statement; and
- revaluation components which are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income.
Service costs encompass current service costs, past service costs and gains and losses from non-routine plan settlements. Gains and losses from plan curtailments are deemed to equate to past service costs.
Employee contributions and contributions from third parties reduce service cost expense and are deducted therefrom provided that these derive from pension plan rules or a de facto obligation.
Net interest expense corresponds to the amount derived from multiplying the discount rate with the pension liability or plan assets at the beginning of the year. In the process, capital flows of less than one year are taken into account on a weighted basis.
Revaluation components encompass actuarial gains and losses from the movement in the present value of pension obligations and plan assets. Actuarial gains and losses result from changes in assumptions and experience adjustments. Gains and losses on plan assets equate to the income from plan assets less the amounts contained in net interest expense. Revaluation components also encompass movements in unrecognised assets less the effects contained in net interest expense. Revaluation components are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income and cannot be booked as earnings in future periods. The amounts recognised in the statement of comprehensive income can be reclassified within shareholders’ equity.
Service costs and net interest expense are recorded in the consolidated financial statements under personnel expense. Revaluation components are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income.
The pension liabilities or plan assets recognised in the consolidated financial statements correspond to the deficit or excess of funding of defined-benefit pension plans. The recognised pension assets are limited to the present value of the economic benefit of the Group arising from the future reduction in contributions or repayments.
Liabilities arising in connection with the termination of em-ployment are recognised at the time when the Group has no other alternative but to finance the benefits offered. In any event, the expense is to be recorded at the earliest when the other restructuring cost is also recognised.
For other long-term benefits, the present value of the acquired commitment is recorded as of the balance-sheet date. Movements in present values are recorded directly in the income statement as personnel expense.
Employer contributions to defined-benefit pension plans are recognised in personnel expense at the date when the employee becomes entitled thereto.
Employee stock-ownership plans
The stock-ownership plan enables employees to subscribe annually to a defined number of bearer shares in Verwaltungs- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Vaduz, at a preferential price subject to a four-year restriction period on selling.
Upon expiration of the sales restriction period, or at the time of resignation from VP Bank Group, the related shares become freely available. As the employees are therefore ultimately able to take up the shares at any time and in full, the expense arising from the employee stock-ownership plans is recorded in full at the time of their respective allocation. The number of bearer shares which can be subscribed to depends upon the years of service, rank and management level.
The purchase price is determined annually in relation to the market value of the bearer shares on the Swiss Exchange (ex-dividend). The shares issued in this manner derive either from the portfolio of VP Bank Group or are acquired for this purpose over the stock exchange. The resulting expense is charged directly to personnel expenses.
Management profit-sharing plan
A long-term and value-oriented compensation model exists for Group Executive Management and second-level executives. In accordance with this model, the compensation of Group Executive Management comprises three components:
- A fixed base salary component which is contractually agreed between the Nomination & Compensation Committee (a committee of the Board) and each member of Group Executive Management. To be added to the base salary are the contributions made by VP Bank to the executive insurance scheme and pension fund.
- A variable performance-related portion (Short-Term Incentive STI) depending on the annual value creation of VP Bank Group. It is allocated on the basis of qualitative individual criteria and financial Group targets. The financial Group targets are weighted by some two-thirds. The STI is paid annually in cash.
- A long-term variable management equity-share plan (Long-Term Incentive LTI) settled in the form of bearer shares of VP Bank. The basic principles thereof are the focus on value creation (economic profit) and the long-term commitment of management to a variable salary component in the form of shares. The number of shares which are vested after a period of three years is directly dependent on the trend of the economic profit of VP Bank Group. This takes account of capital- and risk-related costs. The target setting is done on the basis of an external perspective. The starting point in this connection is the target yield on the market value. Thus, depending on the financial trend, a greater or lesser number of shares are allocated. The factor ranges from a minimum of 0.5 to a maximum of 2.0. The basis for calculating expenses for management stock participation consists of the number of shares, the goal-achievement factor, and the current price of the stock at the time the goals were set. The market value is based on the closing price of the SIX-listed bearer shares as recorded on the date of the grant. The monetary benefit settled in shares at the end of the plan is also dependent on the stock price of the VP Bank bearer shares. The bearer shares required to service the LTI equity-share plan are either taken from the portfolio of treasury shares of VP Bank Group or are purchased on the Stock Exchange.
As required by the accounting provisions of IFRS 2, LTI is treated as share-based payment transactions settled in the form of equity instruments. The expense related to the LTI is expensed over the vesting period with an offsetting amount in capital reserves. Assumptions are made regarding the rate of forfeiture, which is regularly adjusted over the vesting period so that at the end thereof only the expense for the rights actually vested is recorded.
Earnings per share
The undiluted earnings per share are arrived at by dividing the net profit or loss of the reporting period attributable to the shareholders by the weighted average number of shares outstanding in this period (less treasury shares).
The diluted earnings per share are computed using the same method, however, the parameters are adapted in order to reflect the potential dilution which would result from the transformation or exercise of options, warrants, convertible bonds or other contracts involving the shares.
8. Equity management
The focus of value-oriented risk management is to achieve a sustainable return on the capital invested and one which, from the shareholders’ perspective, is commensurate with the risks involved. To reach this goal, VP Bank supports a rigorous dovetailing of profitability and risk within the scope of the management of its own equity resources; it consciously abandons the goal of gaining short-term interest advantages at the expense of the security of capital.
VP Bank avoids extreme risks which can jeopardise the ability to bear risk and in this respect the health and existence of the Group, and manages all risks within the annual risk budget laid down by the Board of Directors.
Thanks to the strong capitalisation, VP Bank can invest in the expansion of its business. In managing the equity resources, VP Bank measures both the equity required (minimum amount of equity to cover the Bank’s risks in accordance with the requirements of applicable supervisory law) and the available eligible equity (VP Bank’s equity is computed in accordance with the criteria of the supervisory authorities) and project their future development.
Equity resources which the Bank does not need for its growth or business activities are returned through dividend pay- ments according to their long-term policy. Thus, through active management, VP Bank is in a position to maintain the robust capitalisation as well as the credit rating and continue to create sustainable value for the shareholders.
Capital indicators
The determination of the required capital and tier capital is made on the basis of the IFRS consolidated financial statements, whereby unrealised gains are deducted from core capital. Total capital (core capital and supplementary capital) must amount to a minimum of 8 per cent of the risk-weighted assets.
Risk-weighted assets as of 31 December 2012 aggregated CHF 3.9 billion as against CHF 4.5 billion in the prior year. Core capital as of 31 December 2012 was CHF 834.0 million as against CHF 801.0 million in the prior year. The overall equity ratio increased by 3.5 per centage points from 18.0 per cent as at 31 December 2011 to 21.5 per cent at 31 December 2012. Both as of 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2011, VP Bank Group was adequately capitalised in accordance with the respective guidelines of the FMA (Financial Monetary Authority of Liechtenstein) and the BIS (Bank for International Settlements).