6. Shareholders’ participation rights
6.1 Voting right restrictions and proxies
Each registered share grants the holder the right to one vote at the annual general meeting of VP Bank, irrespective of the par value of such shares. Each shareholder may either attend in person or be represented by another shareholder by means of a written proxy. There are no voting right restrictions or statutory group clauses.
6.2 Statutory quorums
Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation regarding a change in the ratio of the registered shares A to registered shares B (Articles of Incorporation, Art. 4 par. 2) as well as to the provisions governing the restriction on registration of registered shares B (Articles of Incorporation, Art. 7 par. 2) require the approval of at least a two-thirds’ majority of all shares issued by VP Bank (Articles of Incorporation, Art. 14 par. 4).
6.3 Convocation of Annual General Meeting
Convocation of the annual general meeting is made in accordance with the provisions of law and the Articles of Incorporation (Art. 11).
6.4 Agenda items
The agenda for the annual general meeting is based upon the provisions of law and those of the Articles of Incorporation (Arts. 11 to 14).
6.5 Entries in the share register/invitation to the annual general meeting
Registered shares are entered into the share register with the name, citizenship, address and date of birth of the owner. Only registered shareholders are entitled to exercise membership rights vis-à-vis the company.
Registered shareholders who have been entered into the share register receive an invitation to the annual general meeting, including the related agenda, sent to the address known to VP Bank. Upon successful registration, shareholders receive an entry pass together with the relevant voting material.
The invitation to the annual general meeting is also published in Liechtenstein newspapers and the Swiss financial press.